Learn how become more creative than others

                                                         Being a Kreative Freak !
                           Be more creative be more passionate about what you do..

"Have more experiences"
When you’re working on something and you have that sudden “Aha!” moment of insight, that’s your brain finding a creative match to the topic at hand. Even if the match is one that was previously buried in the deepest folds of your brain (in the long-term memory area of the brain known as the hippocampus).
You may not immediately know the concept was there, but through an intense and lightning-fast series of processing, your brain was able to pull the information out.
Where did that information come from in the first place? Through past experiences you’ve had, not from a mystical unknown.
The fictional Sherlock refers to this storage locker of experiences as the “brain attic.” You don’t have to do any work on the front of things to store and sort through the ideas stored in your brain attic, you just have to have the experiences.

